Böngészde - Pabirčalište - Gleaner

2014. november 21., péntek

Branko Miljković Hronika – Rege – Chronicle – Chronics

Branko Miljković - Olja Ivanjicki: Omaž Branku Miljkoviću, 2003
Niš 29. januar 1934. – Zagreb 12. februar 1961.


Prvog dana pomreše ptice i zmije nastaniše gnezda i vetrove
Drugoga dana ribe izađoše iz vode i voda oteče prazna
Trećega dana šuma je pošla prema gradu a grada nigde
Četvrtoga dana sazidaše ćele-kulu od lobanja i skrguta
Petoga dana šuma je skupljala kraj reke obezglavljene leševe
Šestoga dana malo vatre zaljubljeno nalik na sunce
Sedmoga dana ne zapevaše anđeli
Osmoga dana u ponedeljak prvi put zapeva ptica
od pepela i zid progovori.


Az első napon kimúltak a madarak és kígyók lepték el a fészkeket szeleket
A második napon kijöttek a vízből a halak és üresen folyt a víz
A harmadik napon a város felé indult az erdő de város sehol
A negyedik napon kobakokból és fogcsikorgatásból koponyatornyot építettek
Az ötödik napon az erdő lefejezett tetemeket szedett össze a folyóparton
A hatodik napon valami naphoz hasonló szeretettűz kerekedett
A hetedik napon az angyalok még nem daloltak
A nyolcadik napon hétfőn énekelt először egy hamumadár
és megszólalt a fal.

                             Fordította: Fehér Illés


On the first day birds died and snakes moved into the nests and winds
On the second day fish left waters and water flowed away empty
On the third day forest went to town but town was nowhere to be found
On the fourth day the Tower was built of skulls and teeth
On the fifth day forest was collecting headless bodies by the river
On the sixth day a little fire in love alike sun
On the seventh day angels did not sing
On the eighth day on Monday the first bird sung from ash
and the wall spoke.

                             Translated by Aleksandra Milanović


On the first day, birds died and serpents lodged in the nests and winds
On the second day, fish went out of water, and water flew away empty
On the third day, the forest moved towards town, but town was lost in nowhere
On the fourth day they erected the ćele-kula made of skulls and of shrieks,
On the fifth day, the forest was collecting the headless bodies in the river's bank
On the sixth day small fires wanted to imitate the sun
On the seventh day, angels did not yet sing
But on the eight day, the ash-bird sang
and the wall whispered.

                             Translated by Dragomir Kovačević

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